As company advertising and marketing budgets tighten in an ever challenging economic landscape, companies need to take advantage of opportunities that digital communication technologies are bringing to the modern business environment.
Digital Information that is engaging, with video and interactivity, constantly updated and fresh, has a better chance of keeping audiences brand loyal and reactive to messaging, and is able to be turned around in a fraction of the time and cost that traditional campaigns would take. Keyline’s Digital Publishing courses will take designers and DTP operators through the best features and toolsets for digital publishing from their everyday Adobe programs, incorporating the full multimedia functionality of InDesign through to publishing on platforms like iPad, Android, and virtually any digital platform using plugins and online platforms provided by Adobe, all without having to learn any programming.
The key to successful implementation of digital design technologies lies in the quality of ‘hands-on’ training delivered to staff and students that need to use it. Keyline’s accredited expertise and proven track record with our demanding portfolio of corporate clients, ensures that your investment in your software and training returns tangible results with the proper use of the design software, allowing you to take full advantage of modern day digital publishing opportunities.